Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Did you know your child may be eligible for up to $1000 worth of bulk billed general and restorative dentistry treatments under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?

It’s a means-tested government-funded allowance that is available to children aged between two and seventeen years old. Generally, if you receive Family Tax Benefit A your child is eligible for the CDBS. Superior Smiles can check eligibility over the phone, we just need your Medicare number.

What Are The CDBS Inclusions and Exclusions?

The CDBS includes a range of children’s dental treatments including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions. These preventative and restorative child dentist treatments up to $1000 are completed over a two-year period and any unused funds cannot be rolled over.

The CDBS does not include children’s orthodontic or cosmetic dental services however if these are required, Superior Smiles name can tailor a treatment plan to suit your child’s oral health and your own lifestyle and budget and interest-free payment plans.