Superior Smiles

When will my baby get their first teeth?

Teeth can begin to appear as early as 4 months but usually appear between 6 months and 12 months. Teeth usually come in pairs, beginning with the lower front teeth. By age 3, most children will have all of their baby teeth. Permanent teeth won’t begin to replace them until around age 6 or 7.

Baby Teething Tooth Care Tips - Superior Smiles

How to ease teething discomfort

Babies often show symptoms when teething. Some signs that your baby is teething include excess drooling, chewing on objects, irritability and tender gums. You can help ease your baby’s pain by massaging their gums, giving them teething rings or a clean, frozen or wet cloth for them to chew on.

Why looking after baby teeth is important

Teeth help with speech when learning to talk and also act as a guide for permanent teeth when they grow in. Baby teeth are also important for chewing solid food and aiding in digestion. Without a healthy set of baby teeth, your child will have difficulty speaking clearly and chewing. So it is important to care for your baby’s teeth and set them up with good oral hygiene habits.

Can baby teeth still get cavities and decay?

Like adult teeth, baby teeth can get tooth decay from being exposed to liquids containing sugar. Remember not to put your baby to bed with a bottle and never to dip a pacifier in a sweet liquid like honey because this can lead to tooth decay. Even though these baby teeth will fall out, they are an important foundation for adult teeth and untreated tooth decay in baby teeth can affect adult teeth.

When to start brushing your baby’s teeth

Parents can start looking after their baby’s oral health even before their baby teeth appear by using a warm, wet washcloth or piece of gauze to gently wipe their gums. You should wipe down their gums at least twice a day after feeding and before bed. Once the teeth have begun to appear, you can use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste the size of a grain of rice to brush their teeth. Once your child turns 3, it is recommended to use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste when brushing. This is essential to protect the new teeth from forming cavities.

Child Brushing Baby Teeth - Superior Smiles

When should I first take my child to see the dentist?

It is recommended that you bring your child in for a visit the moment you start seeing teeth or around age 1. Your dentist will be able to give you advice about baby tooth dental care, look for any potential dental problems and ensure that your child starts early with good oral hygiene habits.

We can help ensure that your little one is set up early with healthy teeth and gums. For more advice on how to look after your baby’s teeth, learn more about the CDBS scheme to receive $1000 worth of bulk-billed child-friendly dentistry or to make their first dental appointment, give us a call at Superior Smiles.